When it comes to preventing tooth decay, Gingivitis, or Halitosis, it is important that you practice good oral hygiene which can help you maintain your teeth in good condition while avoiding any decay or bad breath. These are some of the top oral habits which you need to follow, on a regular basis to keep your dental health in perfect shape.

Top Dental Hygiene Tips

Here is a look at the top dental hygiene habits that you need to look at.

Brush and Floss

It goes without saying that you need to brush and floss your teeth regularly. A failure to do so will only result in more bacteria accreting on the teeth which eventually will lead to tooth decay.

Make it a point to floss after every meal as food particulates can get lodged in between the teeth which if left unattended will decay causing bad breath and eventually, tooth caries.

Use Mouth Rinse

It is important that you rinse your mouth completely with an adequate mouth rinse, as it can help eliminate some of the bacteria. Try to rinse your mouth twice a day, once after breakfast and once before you go to bed.

Diet Matters

Your mouth breaks down all organic matter into sugars and carbohydrates and it is this sugar that leads to more bacterial growth on your teeth, leading to eventual tooth decay. So try to avoid eating foods loaded with sugar.

Try to limit your intake and remember to wash your mouth after a meal.

Avoid Sugary Drinks

While sodas and pre-packaged juices provide your teeth with much needed phosphorous, the fact remains that these products are often loaded with sugar as well. So it might be a good idea to opt for natural drinks and milk, rather than sodas and packaged juices.

Moreover, the sodas often contain coloring agents which weaken your enamel. You must have heard the urban myth about a human tooth dissolving in Coca-Cola, well, let’s just say that it is not entirely untrue either. So try to limit or avoid these drinks altogether.

Try a More Balanced Diet

When it comes to your teeth, you need to pay attention to what you eat every day. So opt for a meal plan that provides you with various nutrients along with some much-needed calcium for your body.
It is this calcium that helps to strengthen your teeth, and one of the regular sources for it happens to be milk. So make a point to drink a glass each day.

Visit the Dentist

Granted you may be scared of visiting your dentist, but there is really nothing to be scared about. You are just paying your dentist a visit to get your teeth checked out and find out if there are any issues. Remember, an early detection of tooth decay is completely treatable which is why you need to visit your dentist regularly.

With these tips, you should be able to protect your teeth from any decay better. In the end, it all comes down to you and the lifestyle changes you adopt that can help you to do this. No one else is going to do it for you, so start taking better care of your teeth right away.


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